Key industries we work for.


VEMECH had developped a wide portfolio of standardized and custom made automated systems in the pharmaceutical industry, especially since we have a strong focus on stainless steel and different INOX surface treatments. Our mechanical engineers are very well experienced in highly cleaneable, dust-free and anti-oxidant machine, conveyor and robot designs. VEMECH manages specific GMP and GAMP guidelines that involve machine building in the pharmaceutical, medical device or lifescience industries. In these specific conditions, often a simulation or proof of concept is prepared (especially in laminair flow conditions) to match sterile conditions. A risk analysis is often performed before project execution to ensure end user but also operator safety. Track and trace and audittrail systems are often a part of the GMP requirements and can also be added to our scope.

VEMECH robot integrator automatisatie palletisatie speciaal machinebouw machinebouwer transportsystemen en rollenbanen
In the pharmaceutical industry, it is key to have experience in GMP and GAMP guidelines to ensure the use of cleanroom specific materials and INOX finishes for a sterile and dustfree production or transport. Typical cleaning agents involve Spor-Klenz, ethanols and VHP. This has a direct impact on machine components and robotarm selection. VEMECH knows there way around these challenges. Delivery of machine, robot or conveyor equipment in the pharmaceutical sector requires more careful validation and documentation than any other infustry. VEMECH answers to those extensive validation procedures.


VEMECH has a wide base of clients and users in the food industry. Whether a machine or automated system is in contact with food or only packaged food, we have experience in both. Cleanability and hygiene is key in this idustry, where open structures and washdown possibilities are a must. Since stainless steel 304 and even 316 and FDA approved materials are a core business of VEMECH, this poses no threat to us. A lot of food related products are hard to handle, such as fatty products, dough, powders, crumbly and brittle products, but also frozen, wet or hot products. For every specification, we bring you the right solution and offer a proof of concept in case risks are posed.

VEMECH automatisatie machinebouw machinebouwer transportband opvoerband bufferband voeding inox hopper spiraalschroef
modular belt conveyor
accumulation and elevator conveyor belt biscuits
Belt conveyor biscuits
bulk transportband PU PVC automatisatie automation automatisation
Belt conveyor biscuits
robotgrijper zuignappen chocolade figuren Fanuc
accumulation and elevator conveyor belt biscuits
recycling machine sieve drum coffee


After 70 years of experience in machine building, a lot a industries are introduced to VEMECH: Building / construction Steel Electronics Wood Paper Plastics Packaging Lifescience …

VEMECH automatisatie machinebouw machinebouwer transportband opvoerband bufferband voeding inox hopper spiraalschroef
In numerous non-food related sectors, VEMECH is well-known. Often, in these diverse industries, very product-specific requests arise. Extreme and demanding conditions such as high humidity, cold, heat, ATEX, dust, electrical charges, cleanrooms, and more are frequently encountered. Our mechanical engineering department views these projects as a challenge. Through our extensive network of suppliers, we can integrate the appropriate materials into the machines, robots and transport systems we build for you. Manipulating concrete is a completely different task than, for example, depalletizing roof panels. VEMECH gladly collaborates with you even before the project's kick-off to develop a detailed design and proof of concept.